i sit here funky
in a not so easy easy-chair
tired, back aching
thigh pulsing, bowels not moving
waiting to awake enough
to read or stand or walk about
while thoughts and problems
pester my mind
i'm tired more than an ox circling an immobile stake
grinding corn of which it cannot partake
am i sick of conscientiousness
conscious enough to do something like
form a club, write a letter
go ballistic, be depressed
something on a Monday afternoon
listless in the summer heat
listening to myself complain
about this and that
where is God when you need him
as if needs the only use for him
perhaps i'll feel better
once my constipation's gone
and i am up and about
spirited again
When people are saying
"Peace and security",
then sudden disaster comes upon them
like pain upon a woman in labor,
and they will not escape.
-1 Thessalonians 5:3
i pray against empire
against it's pledge of universal freedom
a copy-cat mickey-mouse way of living
where ev'ry mall repeats another
and we kill ourselves striving to look alike
"God, spare the world this imitative curse"
i pray against empire
against its pledge of universal freedom
informers with patriotic scent
stir toilets to analyze ingredients therein
where ev'ry enemy of mine will be theirs
and i'll be suspect when i finger their friends
i pray against empire
against its pledge of universal freedom
protective pulp circles the fearful seed
and like religious kitsch fills its emotional needs
moments of humor are primed by sitcoms
the last laugh for all being History's ghost
i pray against empire
against its pledge of universal freedom
the poor are snuffed, intellectuals spurned
the arts are targeted as corrupters of youth
the military machine drives the minds of most
distinguishing not between friend or foe
i pay against empire
against its pledge of universal freedom
peace and security no one can give
when your mind's not free and your spirit's chained
for fear smothers freedom, love frees one up
the kingdom of the human always tragically ends
i pray against empire
against its pledge of universal freedom