*When Sister Death arrives, we'll be ready. She's the only way to go.
*All of our heroes have mud on their feet.
An open file
Mine's an open file:
Antietam and Gettysburg raging within me
I'm a slave vying to break free
but war wages 'tween the blue and grey
Napalm falls, scorching my memory
shocking it with awe
to frustrate justice by denials
This war seems perpetual
embedded in the quagmire of hist'ry
smothered 'neath pretence and forgetting
lest revenge ignites pages
where the history of Blacks lay dormant
I don't know
I just don't know what to do
or how...
I know Lincoln doesn't speak
nor sleep around here
Booth's gun is my heart
loaded and ready to fire
wild, into the wilderness
To ward off envy, I'll shoot to kill
but who will die before I'm skilled
I need forgiveness
perhaps self-forgiveness
while hungering for justice
but fear my anger won't get none
not even an enemy's, perhaps
*The function of the Incarnation is to unite humankind as individuals with God as God, without "confusion of natures." Human nature does not become divine in the process, but perfectly human, for when Spirit is in union with created nature it does not overwhelm it but perfects it.
-Alan Watts
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