Monday, November 25, 2013

a brand new fright

where do you stand when you want to sit
when anything that moves you is still
and the next motioning is toward the edge of tomorrow
toward the edge of the past day awaiting something new

i wonder where to sit from time to time 
where all that moves is a flat grill of chill
and everything that chills is hot
hot with the cold-edge of dynamite still

so i write empty words on crowed papers
on the edge of scraps that seem newly fresh
pretending that i'm the sane biographer
of another genius who was recently lost
unknown to himself or any one else
waiting for release from the insanity bin

go then, go to wherever your int'rest drags you
to the harbor lights where nights get high
on to the daylight's somber attractions
where nothings drawn but another goodbye

seize the appropriate greeting
when whatever arises enters ones mind
when sweet-words seem full of tired urgings
that vomit like spent monies exiting a bank

i don't know what to tell you
when ten flies sit atop some barbecued manure
except that it stinks with the aroma of shit
knowing its the refuse of well-ground, discarded food

on we move while scenery blinds the sun anew
awaiting the rain that with thunder will erupt
awakening light beyond our present sight
into the delight of a brand new fright

*It is in the light of Calvary that we can see what it means for us to confess our poverty and our helplessness and to renounce the attempt to overcome them of our own.  It is there that we accept our suffering and turn it into a compassion with all the pains that people bear, bundled together as they are in the suffering of Christ. It is there that we discover and fortify our charitable earning for all rigtheousness to be reveled, while at the same time tempting ourselves and which we hope to share with all humankind.  And so we come imperceptibly to see everything more purely in the light of God's seeing of all  that God has made, and so we come to be able at least to whisper the truth of the infinite peace of God's will even  in the midst of the storms and contentions of life in this world.
*Simon Tugwell

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