Thursday, April 30, 2015

Our daily bread

bread buttered with tears you see
bread craving our hungry lips
bread filling the bellies of lives;
bred that smells of war and pain
 the fractures of rape and tortured minds
the neglect of love and abandoned friends;
bread torn apart by friends we know
fam'lies that pound us into dough
bending wills, reshaping souls;
bread, Your bread, spit upon the poor
to whom we toss out crusted spite
avoided in clubs and on city streets
blamed and cursed for being near:
this is the bread that's daily
the bread upon which we prey
the bread You offer us pray upon
with tears of shame and re-memberings
to shape us whole as nurturing bread;
this is the bread we're given to eat
bread to be given as hope to feast.

when our teeth grind the host
blood unveils the whisp'rings of our lips;
Your Christ leaks through what we intend forget
each drop of Him falling 'pon the weak of us;
and when Your priest holds aloft the sacred bread
it's us You see
each clown acting out their own charade
our false and tainted scripts revealed.

skilled Molder of the Human Clan
knead the dough of us anew 
that we might feast without guilt
bearing the shame that truly frees;
and You weeping with Love
with tears to wash our crusty hearts
press forgiveness into our filthy hands
the Bread You unstintingly give.

-Think straight.  Stand up.  Walk tall.

-May your crosses be steps in the Resurrection Dance.

-Sometimes you gotta get mad to do somethin'!
    *street prophet in San Francisco

*Thoughts of Jean Sulivan:

-Spiritual possible only because of not-knowing.  The mentality that presents faith as natural betrays it while pretending to serve it.  That's why a rigid faith is merely flight from oneself and over compensation.

-Believers almost always imagine that faith means certitude.

-Learn to recognize the faith that reveals a secret despair.

-For me the absence of doubt would be disturbing.  Not the kind that suggests flight, laziness, a preoccupation with oneself in the guise of intellectual difficulties.  I'm speaking of an active doubt that hunts out prejudices and every kind of idolatry, an ongoing discovery that grows stronger by overcoming all obstacles.

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

nude upon a cross

if we saw you naked Jesus, we'd stone you
nail you to a cross

the thought of a naked prophet
what horrors you'd bring to mind

don't you know we're respectable
what would your mother think
to hear you're nude upon a cross

no matter that 
don your under-shorts
there are morals to uphold

don't scandalize the children
in the realm of the righteous
we don't care who you are

*"Freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor; it must be demanded by the oppressed.
  -Martin Luther King, jr.

*Try again. Fail again. Fail better.
  -Samuel Beckett

*We all can speak as if we're innocent yet we all are guilty.

*"...the good simple people in his novels...are what the wanted to have been, and his villains were what he was (or rather, what he found in himself), his cruelty, his attacks of causeless enmity toward those who were helpless and looked to him for comfort, his shrinking from those (for) whom he ought to live, being used up in what he wrote. There were two people in him, he told me: one who feels as he ought to feel and one who feels as the opposite.  From the one who feels the opposite, I make my evil characters; from the one who feels as a man ought to feel, I try to live my life.
 -Charles Dickens to Fyodor Dostoevsky

*I'm gonna stay Black and die. What the f-ck! 

Monday, April 27, 2015

a sleepy breath 
a bird's invite
a kitten's purr 
a beating heart:
Silence between
silence heard

*Thoughts of Jean Sulivan:

-The path towards faith is also a matter of unlearning things.  Spiritual sanity resides in a  youthfulness which spontaneously rejects everything that is static.  Almighty God, King, Lord,  Prosecutor, Judge, Spouse, Lover of the soul, Father - get rid of all those words, and thousands of  others, until nothing is left.  Nothing, that's our name for God, condemned not to intervene, for fear  of making us all immature.  That means we shouldn't be afraid to use the most everyday words. Only  you know what you've put in them - hidden love, deep laughter.

-Remember, God speaks through the lips that happen to be there - those of the unbeliever as well as  those of the saint and through the silence of those who no longer have anything to say.

-Don't expect manna every morning, comrades.

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Sound O

Stop and listen:

at its birth

in its sound

at its center

at its death 

in the silence 

-Self-improvement is always a personal project which may affect another positively.

-America, smell your own sh-t. It's as stinky as the rest.

-There's only so much snot your tissue can hold.

-If death doesn't get you, something else will.  

*Thoughts of Jean Sulivan:

-In the area of faith it is both vulgar and stupid to try to prove anything.  Fight for truth?  Never.  People fight for convictions in place of truth.  Someone who genuinely loves truth seeks only to let it fill her whole being.

-Don't try to change people's opinions or convert anybody.  Be what you are and perhaps someone else will be led to become what she is.  Adopt a genuine manner to tell us what moves you, without worrying about the consequences.  That's neither laziness nor amateurism, but a spontaneous self-discipline which has nothing in common with a party line.  It might better be compared with the constant practice of someone who wants to play in tune.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015


"our" is the possessive form of "we"
as Jesus spoke Father a-glow

we knew he spoke to us
but we keep speaking "mine"
as if deaf to anything ours
including God belonging to us

"we" are a truth abandoned
stilled by the selective tribes
as if god's only form for "us"

the possessive form of "we"
embraces the uniquely truth of "me"
and ev'ry form of "we" in "us"

thus God is ours
having Parented us
and we are God's
as God is ours
as we are each others
since God parents us
this day and ev'ry day

*Reflections of Jean Sulivan

-In the area of faith it is both vulgar and stupid to try prove anything. Fight for truth? Never. People fight for convictions in place of truth. Someone who genuinely loves the truth seeks only to let it fill her whole being.

-Don't try to change people's opinions or convert anybody.  Be what you are and perhaps someone else will be led to become what she is.  Adopt a genuine manner to tell us what moves you, without worrying about the consequences.  That's neither laziness nor amateurism, but a spontaneous self-discipline which has nothing in common with a party line.  It might better be compared with the constant practice of someone who wants to play in tune.

Sunday, April 19, 2015

What shall I call you
when they come to kill us

Mercy won't be in their vocabulary
Manifest destiny's in our bones

Before our minds open toward the seas
we must be victims of systemic fright
failed, flailed, decrepit like older states
like the thieves of this nation 
ruling on the periphery of power

We must smell sin's putrid odor
stare into the coffins of the rotting of our dead
taste their blood dried upon our lips
up-end God who's stretched across the Vine

As we mummify our gods
at the collapse of our funds
we may see the limits of license
and capital's gold dragged to the grave

We will have joined the human race
cursing our gods for their abandonment of us
trapped in the cage of our arrogant thrusts
affections submerged 'neath desolate lovers
people wasted on the the boasts of leaders
brain-washed and herded before whimsical crowds
mauling ourselves in our cesspools of wants
selling our souls as advertisement's prod

Having thrown ourselves into failed visions of life
the war's to be televised with cocktails on tap
setups and snackables before din-din is served
We'll die delighted swallowing olives without ice

But before we drink
you never offered your name

*Reflections of Jean Sulivan:

-Yes, I'm an unbeliever - like you, unless you've yielded to the illusion that the dividing line between faith and disbelief only passes between one person and another and not within each of us.

-To tear down the idols that exists outside oneself doesn't mean much.  To destroy idolatry within oneself is far more difficult.

-In the area of faith it is both vulgar and stupid to try to prove anything.  Fight for truth?  Never.  People fight for convictions in place of truth.  Someone who genuinely loves the truth seeks only to let it fill her whole being. 

Friday, April 17, 2015

if i could i'd hold you
and keep holding you
holding you
cause i'm damn scared
and need some holding too

and i would drop large tears
to drown hatred in the land
and water flowers somewhere
heartily in a heart somewhere
yours and mine
and anyone who'd be ground
for some new spree

for crazies rule the world
and they curse the ground
dropping bombs to contain a bomb
produce terrors
to contain a terror
while ev'ry word they speak
cause dictionaries to flee
for truth has found no home
even there
cause like lies told cent'ries over time
this time's not different from the past;
slippery words pass through filth
placed upon tables as milk 
stinking in each drink
stop me from walking to their pad

remind me again and again
what's human
what's Christian
ways to forgive
and own my failures
while nurturing my weakened faith
let me share slivers of love
when slivers are all i have

hold me
that i may hold you
for what do we have to give
but hugs to each other
for this is a time of madness
in the grip of the crazies
but we will live
though death falls about us
and madness seems to reign
cause God's full of laughter

*Thoughts of Theodore L. Prescott:

-So much striving, but at the end of the day, we are still, as Walker Percy wisely observed, struck with ourselves - and I might add, stuck with our particular gifts, and the weight of history.

-It seems that we live by moving, yet we know that not all movement amounts to living.  So we want to engage in purposeful movement, movement that really gets us somewhere.  But there are problems built into the idea of getting somewhere, both in art and faith. It is very difficult to know where it is we want to go, or how it is that we get there.

-...our faith tells us that all ends are proximate, and even death - that seeming fearsome finality - is another passage in the borderlands.

-Perhaps hell is an unending futile movement in the same place, and heaven is finding peace and rest as we move toward and in Him who was, and is, and is to come.

Thursday, April 16, 2015

is prison where the bars ban
or where the mind sits
where the bars bind
or where the Wind blows?

*Thoughts of Theodore L. Prescott:

-...encouraging an interchange between art and faith does not mean seeking the dissolution of their inherent differences, or the absorption of one by the other.

-To engage art is to use it, and it will do something to or for you, even if it does not cause you to go one a spending spree.

-One aspect of receiving and having faith is some fundamental reordering on the way one looks at the world.  Faith begins to de-fang that hungry, omnivorous creature within each of us, the one that so easily turns people and things into objects to satisfy our appetites.  Faith provides a different food for that gnawing hunger - "...he/she who comes to me shall not hunger, and he/she who believes in me shall not thirst."  So one result of faith then is that we can begin to relax and get to know each other, and creation itself, not as means to our ends, but as God's means of display.

Monday, April 13, 2015

collected poems

a gathering of species
far and wise
in greening woods
'tween cement cracks
by candle light
on the graying day;
a searching as if
 Sherlock would magnify
some displaced gem
hiding beneath ones bed;
worlds of feelings
or heavily scaled
like rhinoceros hide;
bored minds
one's guarded soul
pleasures fresh
tickling a simple heart;
childhoods taken for granted
the flinging wide of gated doors;
what has been found
in the world of authored worlds?

surprises for ones self
tidbits of human grace

*Thoughts of Theodore L. Prescott:

  -...the grace that delights believer and unbeliever alike in beauty is indeed related to the beautiful Grace that is tasted in the mystery of Christ.

  -If the secularized aesthete wants to confuse art with religion, the Christian temptation turns in a different direction.  Even if we are wise enough to know that the domain of art cannot be taken by force, Christians are still tempted by the idea that art should be a colony in the kingdom of God.  In one sense this is a biblical vision, where God's sovereignty is indeed kingly, and everything is subject to his rule.  The problem has been in the application of this image to social organizations, where the church and theology - that old queen of the sciences - have the first and last words.  This model has produced works of great power and beauty, and some artists and thinkers have looked longingly back to the Middle Ages.  But historical distance obscures hard realities and lets us overlook the fact that we have very different ideas about art than medieval  culture did.  While we  may envy the integration of the arts into medieval daily life, I believe many of us would be reluctant to relinquish the freedom that is a hallmark of contemporary art. 

*All of our God-talk doesn't mean we are God-focused because God can still be used as a gun to keep people in line or to be eliminated.

*Death is natural.

*God is not an extra in a movie.  God is the movie and we're the screen upon which God is viewed.  God  must be seen in a new way and that way is love: love of self and love of the other as self.

Friday, April 10, 2015

beyond eyes

beyond eyes
'tween iris and pupil
beyond the vitr'ous
down the anchored ret'na
questions gaze back
piercing the observant eye:
do you love me?
am i someone?
do i matter?
will you hold me?
can i trust you?
will you hurt me?
will you mirror
the good i see
the God i need
the hope that enriches?
can you love me for me
and not for gain?
are your eyes damaged
that they might damage me?

Look into your eyes.
Tell me what they be.

*The Price of Admission

there is no price

the ban


words go


the unnameable

the wind
-Jerry Schroeder, Cap.


they drop

they are

at  once


they one




to hold
-Jerry Schroeder, Cap.

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Meat or Man

When I stare past your naked eyes
within your naked bod'
a raw question rises:
"am I meat or am I Man"?
I scour your naked body
avoiding your naked eyes
"You are meat and I am man."
But I am pulled into your heartache
where your question's filled with terror
and I know that I'm a lecher
and know that you're the Man.


Looking through the eyes
of the flesh upon which we gaze
with ears open to heart
questions rise to sight.
The face makes known the message
the silence wants to share
and a human projects before us
to challenge who is Man.


With what eye will we see?
With what ear will we hear?
Is the other our reflection
the mirror of our fear
the fear of being meat
of Man to be cast aside?


Cannibals slay to take in souls
Christians presume to instill life.
No Man is meat for eyes to eat
each is Other for feeding Life.

*Thoughts of Theodore L. Prescott:

   -There are twelve-step programs, self-help books, talk shows, counselors, evangelists, psychics, and therapists, all glad to help you rearrange the furniture within your soul.  Walker Percy has marvelously  parodied this in Lost in the Cosmos: The Last Self-Help Book.  The desire for transformation is hardly bad, but the accumulated effects of all the techniques and programs for crossing into a better you, with subsequent glowing testimonials of new life, have created the cultural equivalent of attention deficit disorder.  America's public discourse is full of nervous introspective twitches, spasms, ticks and jeers, shudders, mutterings, and finally incessant rocking as we search for the next "best thing" for our lives.

   -What strikes me about our cultures's preoccupation with weight growth and transformation is it seems born of a desire for control.

   -I am certain that the result of the personal growth industry is a collective inability to discern what constitutes significant change.

   -Whatever the reasons, we Americans have problems distinguishing major achievements from interesting diversions.

   -...achievements are relative to the person making them... 

Monday, April 6, 2015


stroked by the air
sit straight
in the chair


in your void
with hope

silently say

let Empty hold you
lightly in this space
before shifting


for "NOW"
as a sudden gift
arrives as Light
beyond which
you were sitting

give thanks
moving over


*Thoughts of Theodore L. Prescott:

-...the deliberation within our soul to intercourse with the world must be the first and primary broader crossing.  You simply cannot get anywhere without passing through that terrain.  That movement is inevitable for life to proceed, and is often spiritual.  When God speaks to us, he moves us. But I suspect that you also may have experienced the terror of being stuck, and of not being able to move, even when you deeply desire to press on.  So this movement is neither automatic nor certain.

The passage  from insight to action is always incomplete, and bear unexpected results.  Pope John Paul II alludes to this in his 1999 letter too artists.  He says:
     All artists experience the unbridgeable gap which lies between the work of their hands...and the          dazzling perfection of beauty glimpsed in the ardor of the creative moment.... Their creating is no        more than a glimmer of the splendor which flared for a moment before the eyes of their spirit.

So even when we have the ability to move from interior perception to artistic form, what we make bears only a passing resemblance to what we perceived within.  Disappointment has been the downfall of many young artists, and some older ones, too. 

Saturday, April 4, 2015

...and there was naught

i stepped onto my porch
and there was naught.
pale white engulfed my face
from left to right
up and down.
before and across
was bland and blank
chalky grass and sky
rocks and roads
homes and populace
cars and sounds.
stretching, i touched a fog
a veil o'er the eyes of all
in which the weeps and wails of Earth
bellowed like a pregnant cow
paining to birth
the life breached within.

i turned toward my house a-wondered.
is this a shell midst these i dwell?
is my life a facade against the mountain view
a front displayed without Christian depth?
this feels like Hollywood
and i'm an actor on her stage.
will Hollywood crumble 'neath a rumbling quake?
the fault-line abuts my walls
and i could slip into her jaws.

i touched the fog and prayed it weep
to wash the chalk blinding our lives.

*Thoughts of Theodore L. Prescott:

  -Crossing the border means that you are opening yourself to change - a risk that many people try to minimize by using some sort of guide.

  -...who you are to yourself privately is not the same as who you are in the company of others, just as you are different at rest than you are in action.  Others may access and respond to your actions, but they can only make calculated judgments about what is in the inner recesses of your heart.

Thursday, April 2, 2015

is this what night is?

is this what night is:
to turn over our pillows
and sleep on the other side
is night for flavor-some restlessness 
while evasions stir up a crisis
for tight crawling beneath blankets
while the cold blankets the poor

night is brotherly/sisterly confrontation
a companion to accompany your sleep
an awaking to revelations
and visions smothered in light
to God's nauseating presence
churning questions in one stomach
whispering secrets when silence is done

good-night bothersome brother
let us lay upon our beds in peace
crafting babies while playing sex
holding our beloved in our arms
while dreaming of money we'll make

let your darkness flee for hell
taking our dreary-demons with you 

*Thoughts of Richard Rodriguez:

  -We  are now entering a time when we can no longer control history.  Not only can we not control history by putting fences around things and saying, This is clean and that is impure," but we are now participating in a time that we no longer know exactly how to imagine.

 -So many of the most interesting Muslims I know are displaced Muslims, and I want to become that kind of Christian.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Leave the town you roam in

along-time blind
a long-time dead

leave the town you roam in

don't look back
never return
don't grab a morsel
nor the Past left behind
where food is poison
where your spirit was drugged
where your eyes were boarded
your feet were bound

leave the town you roam in

keep on steppin'
on the wings of Freedom flee
your eyes have been purged
your health restored
your limbs swing freely
your thoughts are renewed

leave the town you roam in

out of the dark
into the light
recover your dignity
let Joy rule your life

leave the town you roam in 

*Thoughts of Richard Rodriguez:

 -I am puzzled by the hunger for purity among people.  The people who walk down the street with bottles of water, for example.   They have a drive to cleanse their bodies of all that is impure, a dream of escape from the impure.  I am very impatient with that.  We have to reconcile young people to the idea of the unsettled, the indeterminate, the compromised life.  That is my moralism, a brown moralism.  I'm not urging people to any accommodation of truth or light or a path.  I like the idea that my impure lover would be the one giving communion at Mass as a eucharistic minister.  That's what the church should be about, it seems to me.  We should always hand the Eucharist over to a sinner.

 -We are now entering a time when we can no longer control history.  Not only can we not control history by putting fences around things and saying, "This is clean and that is impure," but we are now participating in a time that we no longer know exactly how to imagine.

*The dangers of life are many, and safety is one of those dangers.

*The heart has reasons that reason knows nothing of.