Friday, May 31, 2013

Baldwin encapsulates

I sit listening to Baldwin
hearing him speak of the lost American soul
of the Negro few and the majority, whew
who believe and stink-think their color is right
their White is right out of the mind of God

I sit list'ning like a lost child
searching about for the door 
to break through to freedom of some sort
to another religion of land where all might be right

I sit in my ageing age, staring 
into the ancient journey of the Afro race
of our trekking toward some ground of freedom
to some place we'd find ourselves free

I sit and look at us as we grovel along
as we kill each other and support with arms
as we lean into the future with tears racing down our backs
and our eyes attempt a smile that only death will bring

I sit waiting longing empty-prying and applying
tired from the journeys the struggles from family freight
and family gain and mourning and hate 
and all dysfunctions of our mates

I wait for sweet-life to arrive 
knowing there we'll be free
freer than our imaginations-care breathe and long
where brother/sisterhood is one for sure
with all who harmed us and all who loved
with the gods of our making and the God that's LOVE

I await sitting sitting-sitting sitting-still
staring into the Now that is forever to begin
to begin begin-again in the NOW what will never end
Life is a gift.  Celebrate it.
Food is a nourishment.  Share it.
All humans are bonded.  Love them.
Every life has its sadness.  Weep.
Can you see see the parousia?  Look.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

the a-no-ing-thing

go! stay where the grey walls crumble
go, without looking back to view the struggling-steel
and watch the shocked ones churn, smothering their face

new foundations are rising on the soap in the tub
holding its theme like billboards fighting for glue
stitching seams as machines watch the tumbling poles

the letter-writers' words fly toward some gigantic day
absent as they crawl along the white concrete wall
chewing at their knees that leave decorative blood behind

the silent faces of shame mock the burgeoning crowd
waiting for some hero to enter and free them from the smog
engulfing those laying their hopes on some blob: the a-no-ing-thing 

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Your Fire
burns away brush.
The forest blooms.

the commander's head
filled with empty dreams
of a special joy

bobbing in anxious tones
over dead men's bones
being carried home.

midst shattered nerves
and tainted hope
hyped by the illusions

of a superficial faith,
mourning morphed
into empty feelings

of noisy drunks.
nervous throats
coughed discomfort

as if toxic smoke
from aborted hope
lay o'er the graves

of these recent dead.
bearing in himself
the burden of squandered hope

he shuffled to depart
gathering his notes
like scattered jacks.

poised to depart
the monotony of those
clothed in the earth

a nervous switch of irony
greets him at the exit door:
a patient parent pleading

he'd bring their children home
outside the flag-draped coffins
and preferably close to whole.
*Sometimes you gotta get mad to do somethin'!
-San Francisco street-prophet

*God is a God of the present. God takes and receives you as God finds you; not what you have been but what you are now.
-Meister Eckhart

Monday, May 27, 2013


I feel myself committing suicide
in this maddening crowd
as if a god beyond recognition
living our pretences and lies behind murderous sounds
screaming and yelling and cursing oft times
stressing the point that we're the gods of the streets
goddesses of airways of screens and coffee machines

What matter does it take if this space is not ours
if the streets are of cornflakes and air is of blood
cause we'll spill all of it there if we are in charge
pretending that we are when brandishing our gun

When we sniff our cocaine or force someone to be smug
it's the sane madness we've been harboring as we hunger for jobs

We labor for space to rest our heads
when we long for a bed without chinches within

We swallow down shit in the liquorish state
shouting brother sister come bring me some cake

Oh I feel like committing suicide as if it was all
all that was needed to salve headaches in the American Mall
to heal racist rhetoric from the political stalls
aching breaking the humane-wonder of all

So what shall I do as I wiggle and crawl
attempting to stay sane in the insanity hall

Rise up I hear rise and install
install some new vision for yourself and for all
a street without garbage a yard as a park
abort ourselves from the puritanical dark
for Death has destroyed our sense of joy
Death, the bearer of the puritanical pall
smothering embalming the most humanistic call
from the God who redeemed us by forgiving us all

Forgive forgive that's the refreshment we need
saving ourselves from panic and clearing our heads

Sunday, May 26, 2013

I don't know
I just don't know
where you'll hide when...

I can't say
just can't say
if that's what you'll do

All is strange
strange like pussy-willows
sprouting in corn-rows...

Who knows who or
what might whisper you wisdom
nourish your truth...

If it begins to sprinkle
on your way too lunch
perhaps you'll stop and...

But life doesn't operate that way
We are stranger than you think
and you're one of us, you know

I wish it were possible for me
to inform you of the miseries in life

What wisdom can be passed on...
What truth can be found...
What do you think I've been...

Move on
move on to where your spirit leads you
and then...

Yes, it's strange
All's strange
like porcupines shaking tail-feathers to guide you
Jesus is the trigger in the trap that brings down those values and principles upon which our systems stand.  He forces us to re-think our relationship to the divine, religion and the state.

Saturday, May 25, 2013

African mask at the Museum of African Art (Smithsonian), Washington, DC
"Don't make me come down there!",
signed, GOD, on some sponsor's mega-billboard.

I cursed at what I had seen:
the failure of eyes to see Presence all-around,
exciting ev'ry molecule and atom and sound.

I could have wept but pitied instead
the blind believers framing God so frightfully mean,
hatred hot in his eyes for what he sees,
poised to rip his beauteous creation apart,
tearing us to shreds for our few or many sins.

But sighs arose from my mouth instead,
watching light fill the foggy morning sky.
It felt like the other side of the Deluge
and I was Noah, blessed to hold the messenger dove.
the tears of charlie

his life unheard, now shared
for ears perked, open to hear his tales,
his truth gathered in his breast years long:
these now tease words from his trusting lips,
lips that had long awaited someone  to enter the garden of his heart,
roam there, lay on the lea, picnic beneath his bleeding tree.

charlie's tears leaked quietly down as joyous drops,
assured that he was heard through once buried words,
and in this friend-padded embrace of the revelations of his heart,
he was free to be the story-teller of his life.

Friday, May 24, 2013

it ain't what it used to be
cause nothing's like it ever was
...before the Fall
...until the Parousia

we crawl on
inch by inch
toward the whatever there is beyond where we stand
where we crawl
where we curse each other full of hell

oh i wonder where to go
and how to get there
how to make some meaning in the meaninglessness of the here and now
of existence itself
facing God
facing the gods who hound us
and pound us into smaller smithereens than we are
or we'd like to be

i don't know
[that phrase again]
i don't know where or how to flow
but look forward to a newness sleeping on the horizon
beyond death
beyond the non-foreseeable
beyond the blind in our hearts and minds
in our soul
with a longing for the new
on the premise promised to...
and simply wait
and live
and love as best i can
on the trash-heap of today
the gift of tomorrow
whatever it might be

Thursday, May 23, 2013

in life, many tortures
many crucifixions
many massacres and death
defying imagination

the human is boxed
frozen in ice
buried in hell
stirring the atrocities

we open our mouths and scream
to break the grip of death
to wed a voice to pain
to set a face on humanity

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Justice may be slow but it is inexorable.
                               -Ignacio Ramonet

Thursday, May 16, 2013

You have to forgive yourself first for being human, because to be human is to have lots of faults; so you have to forgive, and then the love flows in.
                    -Marion Woodman

Monday, May 13, 2013

sitting with my private self
within a private room
i see Mys'try walking on air
and i scream in silence
as the dark light passes

is mine a call or summons
a panic-plea, a desp'rate sign?
who knows as my mouth shuts
about the soundless wonder
hollowing my throat

mute, i'm thrown into the dungeon
of lone communion, where the
hunger for words is something
more than for food or fluff
passed around as super-substantial

this is no carnival, nor circus
where clowns induce laughter
by falling on their heads

this is blind sanity, incomparable
madness made sane by seeing
the touch of the Invisible holding
ones attention beyond the skies
for the viewing of visions
revealed to the patient-waiters

Sunday, May 12, 2013

There is an interaction between seeing and being. The kind of person you are effects the kind of world that you see.
-Simon Tugwell

Bottles of feeling explode within
a fireworks display, tangible yet screened
my skin popping in cosmic directions
along ev'ry nerve trav'ling my spine

These are untranslatable words
whose deeper voice rises not from thoughts
but inflamed-flashings needed to be heard

What needs be said are budding as tears
bearing pain reluctantly 'neath the scales of my eyes

I stay with the burgeoning cry until its day of freedom
shoves it out beyond the windows of my flesh
for one day my words will be heard
my lips unlocked to release its shackled cries

The dungeon will open where gold is hid
and what needed to be said becomes a fire-words display

Saturday, May 11, 2013

The unexamined life is not worth living.

Weakness is not wickedness.
                -TD Jakes, bishop

*The cross is a knife cutting through all ideologies, logic and myths, destroying the foundations upon which their religions and societies stand.
In the "mean-time" time
when life is not always
what it seems nor is,
when what is, distant is
from ideals and time's ideals:
we trudge in the mud
from rains of tears
from heavened eyes,
falling from fallen clods
of fashioned dirt and clay.

Life is not all that we want
or dream.
Mud slows the pace of feet
and wheels.
We a-search flow'rs,
less thorns, yet find thistles of beauty.

It's perfection and right,
right now,
all heaven, now.
But Adam and Eve arise
each day,
mirrors we can't break
or broken, can't repair.
We try forgetting
but need rememb'ring,
for to do so might help
living in the mean-time,
in our muddied selves,
and of earth,
now and forever,
Thank God-

Friday, May 10, 2013

la nina, la puta, la cruz

the soldiers marched in the early morn
to stir the roosters, to shoo the hens...
no! to kill the mothers, children and men

but pretty girls were for these uniformed men
the sought after prize, the golden hen

males they killed, women they penned
the girls they raped wherever and when...

but one young nina, beauteous above the rest
was the platinum prize sought by these lecherous men
for she they raped again and again
while she sang to Jesus for the decorated men

in her weakness these wild men came
and she continued singing before each of them
till fear masked their face with the pallor of shame
and they thrust her through with dagger in hand

still she sang from her cross of  pain
till the frightened soldiers severed her head

con ninas y puta they bloodied their hands
but en la cruz de este nina, she branded their heads 
shoving the poor into the ghettos of our contrition
might trigger a long lost compassion, warming the breast
like a bright orange ball, full of sun
shivering in the coolness of our embrace

is this the peace we're aching for
savoring the crumbs, the poor of the world?

awaiting liberation

who'd say it
who'd spit that word "liar" out
clenched behind false teeth

biting themselves to avoid release

for it is a lie
spoken with such grace and deliberation
that the detractors fool by the trembling in their throats

what assurance!

i am betrayed
and sulk like soaked peas waiting to the thrown into the pot
a pris'ner of incompetent words and thoughts

a diagram of dismembered smarts

words were said
their stiletto-style stuck to subjects without verbs
incomparable sounds against truth

but it's truth i desire

that longs for freedom now
bound in the  throats of liars
diverting it to the killing fields

where the lovers of death yet dwell

zombies fixed on harm and  shame
and the burden of gross falsification
while here i lay

a bound body

sweating beneath the heat of breath
filled with untruths that slay with skill
awaiting the liberation that truth would bring

even though in prison i die
*Each day is only itself and I can't make it other than what it is.

*All out God-talk doesn't mean we are God-imbued or God-focused because God can still be used as a gun to keep people in line or be eliminated as we envision they should.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Art ain't about paint.  Art ain't about canvas.  It's about ideas.  Too many people died without ever getting their mind out to the world.
-Thornton Dial, Outsider artist

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Slavery was an insult to dignity because it arguably obliterated persons: it erased them from the space of value.  This is not only wrong, but vile.  Only once we begin to internalize the meaning of this have we made a start.
                                                                                                                                           -Remy Debes

*It's not the date of my death that's important.  What's important is the quality of my living, what I take to death with me.

Gaps & Hushes


And there  is...

You begin to wonder...

Bombs are falling...

People running...

Sirens wailing...

It's a nightmare...

The president has fled
and his households flown
and the congress sits

I can't believe it...

What are we to do...

Where are we to go...


I can't believe it...

The horror of it all...

Is this...

I'm not ready...

I must get to the store...

The children at school...

I don't


I can't believe...

I don't believe
the horror of it all
Violated Bones

The trailing exhaust
that covered him in its haze
one brisk autumn morn
was a convenient screen

He dashed across the street
where care's absent need
scoured the street with eyes
long deprived of love

He hungered for care
searching for eyes to heal him
touch him with a savior's glance
bind his face in a smile

Not much, just a touch
a friendly glance, without the lust
that need and that alone
would soothe his aching and violated bones

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

the new new

there is...or there was
whatever we thought was going to be
but...didn't work
nor mature
cause the world has changing
is different than what we were forcing it to be
cause life was growing larger than what was
larger than the dolls we dressed
grander that what the rich regret

all's changing...avidly, rapidly

shifting the minds of international idealists
seeding the wombs of a million minds blooming
with dreams beyond reason
with hopes borne deeply
with loves un-thought by regions gone greedy;
for something unknown in a world now creating
the hungry future birthing as it peeks
we look at danger and we laugh our heads off
                 -saying on a Congolese tee shirt

crawl through your cross
wait for Easter
a poem will greet you on the Way
listen to its music
dance like a baby
Adam will catch you
when you fall

don't panic
it's been entered before
hug it like a favored toy

Monday, May 6, 2013

it is your face
your face that draws
and i yearn to touch it
then you
all of you
as if a magnet
pulling me to steel
melting into passion
burning love
*The distance is nothing; it's only the first step that is difficult.
                                                                 -Madame du Deffand
*What's important in life is not to become some body but to know and be ones self.

Sunday, May 5, 2013


More than ever, we will need to constantly keep in mind that memory, like liberty, is a frightening thing.

-Elizabeth Loftus words we don't remember
like deeds we quickly forget
like lost catastrophes in a sunken ship
down beneath memories of a trawling tug:
don't know what to think
don't know what to say
when the ghosts of the past
slide through the mem'ries of the silent crowd
where mothers stare at the eyes of those they bear
peering through the flesh of their burdened wombs
when fathers walk by, trudging to the tombs

don't know, don't know
just don't know words to verb
as the coffins wobble past
when Time recalls discarded deeds
that summoned all these deaths
as we pass upon the burdened paths 
weighted with our hardened sins
like words we don't remember
for deeds we quickly forget

blue taffeta

covering herself neath blue taffeta
laying upon her quilted bed
she dreamt  herself a Mary
a virgin announced by God

but no Gabriel stood beside her
to view her available or decide
so she shivered herself into a tsunami
till common-sense reoccupied her mind

Old sperm

I see my sperm laying still upon stale urine
and I know that I am old

They longed to live like beer foam
fluffing up for something more

I stare at their attempt to maintain hope
then flush them away toward shore


The search for something more
in senses not sensing,
only teased toward sensation,
the cover of The More,
the spiritual divine
clawing for an opening
from the inside (soul),
out of the heart
through what matters
of body parts and being
for exposing God,
to a world unsure,
in denial, in denial
that the more is at home,
one's home gnawing
to break though the cage
where The More is engaged.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

*The tragic reality of today is reflected in the true plight of our spiritual existence: we are spineless and cannot stand straight.
             -Ai Weiwei

*Art is a lie whose secret ingredient is truth.
                                                -Ian Leslie


broken, battered, clawing with delight
for righteous retribution and murderous revenge
in the name of peace, in the name of law,
in the name of order and and the name of God!

paining with sin, of Cain's, of Abel's,
of Adam's, of Eve's, for theirs and ours,
wreaked upon us In the name of justice,
being punished for what supposedly happened!

those God loves, he beats,
whips them into shape, the shape of his son;
with each crucifixion, new ones arise,
ushering one to hell and back again.

rough riding along the salvational trail
of waterless gullies and hot chaparrals
where struggles fester and weak ones fail
trying to be god instead of Man:

is this the agony, the struggle to be other
when all one can be in life is human
with a bit of grace and help from God,
invisible but felt beneath a baptismal gown

over which waters flowed amidst protest
while adults snickered, shooting film
as you squirmed for space and the Breath of Life?
is this the agony all must face?


i feel the soundless plea from mouths agape
pressing both sky and barren ground
and someone bleeding their haggard blood,
their scars puffed up with puss and pain.

when, o when will the Soundless be heard?
when will Gilead's balm heal our ears?

Friday, May 3, 2013

empty words

words,words, words: empty words
worms from a mouth, stirring dust
crawling about in hollow heads

they long for someone edible
someone to feed a bored life
whose soul longs for revelation

for tidings beyond fortune cookies
for maxims bubbling with spirit
for conversations hungering for meat.
it's dangerous

it's dangerous.  it's dangerous
the kiss is dangerous.

his lips.  my hair.
his body.  my care.

what am i to do?

i brush back my hair
and leaning, trembling,
bend toward his lips.

touch his thigh.  my breasts,
our breath, aching.

we hug.  we tilt.
cuddling, we melt.

how i crave this danger.
feeds my flesh. all wet.

moist and sweet.
hot.  a treat.

the kiss is dangerous.
*Human nature: the beautiful face with the ugly scars.

*Whatever remains unconscious emerges as fate.
                                                         -Carl Jung
I know you, Black-Boy,
corn-rolled, 'froed or skinhead.
I know you when I spot you,
some thing to distract you,
draw you from your insides
where ghosts stir pinwheels of questions.
You wonder if we notice,
catch the girl eking from you,
see you as cotton candy.

I know you, Black-Boy,
when Fear, 'neath dungeon stairwells,
chains and strangles your spirit,
binding you to turmoil.
You'd cry a storm with thunder
if Empathy would hug you.
Then, Springtime would be words, affirming,
and sunshine, a beam from your mouth.

I know you, Black-Boy,
in your cautious steps toward homeland,
to the door of Truth cracked open,
setting your questions free.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

*(Humankind) had determined to know good as evil; there could be but one perfect remedy for that-to know the evil of the past itself as good, and to be free from the necessity of the knowledge of evil in the future; to find right knowledge and perfect freedom together; to know all things as occasions of love.
                                                                                                     -Charles Williams

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

black flight

i should take you away
but to where should we go:
to Frederick Place replaced
follow the crowd
escape with them to the suburban-haven
old but safer than the graves we left behind?

i should take you away
but we'd return from whence we fled
cause the cycles of displacement
will bring us here again

*Good Gospel is good psychology.